Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm dreaming of a Plaid Christmas...

I'm used to plaid being everywhere this time of year, but I'm having a hard time finding plaid anywhere other than J.Crew. Don't get me wrong, I love Jcrew but I can't quite afford that right now because I spent all my money on booze and strippers. Hah, JK this isn't Real Housewives of Atlanta.

I would rather not spend more than $50 on something that will get plaid-out so quickly! Two years ago I found the perfect ruffled plaid shirt in green at WALMART of all places for 11 bucks.

{Me and the hubs 2k8}

What the heck happened to it?? It must have gone to the island of unwanted plaid shirts. Or maybe I just mis-plaidced it. Eh, I tried with that joke, may not have worked, so sue me.

Time for a plaid Splurge or Steal edition...

Splurge vs. Steal Plaid Jackets

Currently drooling over the Burberry jacket (yes, at my desk with a bib on) but that red blazer is not a bad alternative for a Christmas party. Pair it with a sparkly skirt and white button up underneath?

Splurge vs. Steal Plaid Button Up for a Christmas party... Splurge vs. Steal Plaid Button UP
Never thought I would see the day a Ralph Lauren button up was the steal! But what a great price for a regularly $99 top! I want to recreate this look from the blog Late Afternoon...
Image via

So pretty, plus that is the same $68 blazer from above!

Splurge vs. Steal Plaid Button UP by srober30 featuring cotton shirts

J Crew cotton shirt
$72 - jcrew.com

Monday, December 19, 2011

What every Monday always brings without fail...

Every Monday brings the end of a perfectly good 2 days off. Some weekends aren't fair because I feel like my weekend was spent exhausting myself and I find the desire for a vacation from my weekend.

Well this past weekend was a whirlwind of emotions for me. I turned 25 on Saturday. For some unexplained reason I celebrated my  joy by crying uncontrollably. I guess I am just terrified of not hearing the phrase, "Well, you have time, you're still young," anymore.

Now it is Monday and every Monday I go through the same routine...

Venti Iced Coffee with Non-Fat Milk from Starbucks

Image via

Wanting to wear this...
Image via

But not being able to. Followed by giving myself The "diet starts today" speech, immediately followed by..."Do I want to go to the gym, do I not want to go to the gym..."

I am thankful I have a job that I love that requires me to be up and out of robot mode Monday morning. I am sad though that I had to call Geico this morning to see if they offered any discounts for turning 25...
